This is where we'll share your photos and stories so grab your camera and your friends and get out on the trail!

Lori Swim
The Doctor is in...along the Blue
(Published in the Marysville Advocate, August 11, 2011)
Dr. Rail Trail,
I want to thank you for being there for me these last few years. Your treatment hasn't always felt kind, especially on muggy-hot or very cold days; or when sore muscles and aching knees have beset me. However, mentally, physically, and emotionally I am in a much better place in my life since I started walking, running, and cycling your scenic path. You always accept me as I am, offering comfort and a place to vent frustrations. Your birds, deer, fields, and gentle river views carry me back to my childhood when I sought solace ina field of wildflowers, climbing my favorite tree, or just roller-skating down the street. You are helping me remember my roots and transition into the future.
According to the book Brain Rules, exercise is brain rule number one, increasing cognition for two reasons: "it increases blood flow into the brain, reducing brain-bound free radicals, ... and it also increases neurons' creation, survival and resistance to damage and stress." (http://www.brainrules.net/exercise)
Just last May, my daughter and I made a fresh commitment to exercise and, for the first time in my life, I have stuck with this routine weather permitting. I doubt I would ahve been able to maintain my motivation had it not been for the scenic trail our community has been enriched with. It now feels like an old friend, and when I can't get to the trail, I miss the good doctor!
Before my 20th high school reunion two years ago, I found out that one of my dear friends who had been like a brother to me, had taken his own life after his wife died, leaving three young children behind. The tragic circumstances that surrounded their death, my inability to grieve with anyone who shared a common friendship with Tom and Kristina, and other factors exacerbated my pain and sorrow, hence, my need for a doctor.
However, once you come full cycle through the long and difficult process of grief, I have found that you can find peace again, without losing or dishonoring the memory, love and hope. I have learned much about myself while thinking, running, and having quiet time with my family on the trail. I have gained self-discipline, and set a new course for myself and hopefully for the future of our family. I have lost weight, gained muscle tone, and boosted my self-confidence. I can't help but affectionately call the trail "My Doctor."
I wish to extend my thanks to the Marshall County Connection board for working so diligently to improve the trail. It is and has been more than just a path for exercise; it is a place of healing and renewal. I would encourage everyone to take advantage of this "doctor" - the price is right and she is always "in!" We also need to make sure the board has the resources to keep the trail in good condition. Visit http://www.blueriverrailtrail.org/ to find out how to support the trail project.

Joyce Nelson
Sunday ride on the trail was beautiful!

Rachel Duey Frye
Todd and I took the kids to the bike trail this weekend, and Dahlia rode it for the first time without her training wheels! It's a great place for beginners to practice. Thanks!

Ruth Oehm
I want to share how much I enjoy the trail, I have had a lot of stress in my life lately and being able to go out to the trail to walk, run, and bike has helped me. What a stress reliever when you get to enjoy the beautiful views, listening to the birds, just plain enjoying nature. I was able to capture a picture of a woodpecker, geese on the river, and the views. I have a heart condition and use the trail for my exercise. I don't have to worry about cars, just simply enjoy the quietness.
Ruth Oehm