What's Next?
Development of the Blue River Rail Trail is ahead of schedule with the trail set to be open to the Nebraska border in late 2015. The Nebraska Trails Foundation's, Homestead Trail, will soon connect with the Blue River Rail Trail allowing riders to make the trek from Marysville all the wawy to Lincoln, Nebraska.
The next connection will be from the Blue River Rail Trail's Jayhawk Road trailhead to the old Union Pacific Railroad Depot in downtown Marysville. The depot is currently being restored and will be a wonderful access point and trailhead for citizen and visitors alike.
Quad State Trail
The Quad State Trail Project is a proposed system of over 700 miles of trails linking Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska. Over 450 miles this trail already exists. As a part of the project, the Nebraska Trails Foundation, formed in 1988, has deeloped more than 100 miles of trails in Cass, Gage, and Lancaster counties in Nebraska.